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Office of Investments

About the Office

The Office of Investments was established to ensure strategic management of the university’s Long-Term Investment Pool (LTIP), which encompasses thousands of endowment funds that support access, affordability and excellence.

Led by Vice President and Chief Investment Officer, Vishnu Srinivasan, the university's investment team employs a strategy that is designed to deliver long-term returns for the Ohio State community. Generating strong real returns over market cycles and active risk management are both critical parts of our investment process.

The Office of Investments utilizes a diversified asset allocation model that groups assets into five broad categories: Public Equity, Private Equity, Real Estate & Infrastructure, Hedge Funds (including Liquid & Illiquid Credit), and Cash & High-Grade Bonds. We partner with external managers and their specialized investment teams from around the world to implement our strategy. This model allows the Office of Investments to be responsive to changing market conditions.


Investment managers:
(614) 292-7887

Questions about giving:
The Ohio State University Foundation
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Endowment Size

FY 2024 Endowment Size bar graph

Long-Term Investment Pool - Portfolio Snapshot

LTIP snapshot for FY24

Investment Performance

 1 Year3 Year5 Year
Total LTIP10.78%6.13%9.32%
Policy Benchmark*14.95%4.33%8.31%


*Policy Benchmark based on preliminary data until final benchmark returns are published approximately four months after the end of the fiscal year.


Asset Allocation as of June 30, 2024

LTIP allocation piechart FY24


Long Term Asset Class Targets and Ranges

Asset ClassLong-Term TargetLong-Term Range
Public Equity35.0%30% - 55%
Private Equity30.0%15% - 40%
Real Estate & Infrastructure10.0%5% - 15%
Total Equity75.0%60% - 90%
Hedge Funds & Credit12.5%0% - 25%
Cash & High-Grade Bonds12.5%0% - 25%
Total Diversifying Assets25.0%15% - 35%

What the Portfolio Supports

The Long-Term Investment Pool contains thousands of endowments funded by private gifts, strategic investments by the university and rainy-day funds that the university has saved to protect the financial health of the university and Wexner Medical Center.

Endowments generate nearly $50 million annually for student scholarships and cover the cost of other priorities that might otherwise be borne by tuition and tax dollars. Students benefit from access to these resources, which improve the quality of education and healthcare at Ohio State.


FY24 Distributions: $304.8 Million

FY24 Distribution bar chart


Historical Distributions

FY24 Historical Distribution


The Office of Investments supports Ohio State’s mission as a leading flagship national research university through its management of the Long-Term Investment Pool. Our investment strategy is designed to deliver long-term, risk-adjusted returns to grow and protect the value of thousands of endowment funds that support access, affordability, and excellence.

For information about short- and intermediate-term investments, see the Treasurer’s Office website.